What Is The Use Of Feminization Surgery?

 Body feminization surgery involves a group of procedures done to align appearance and to feminize body contours. Body contouring surgery or feminization includes various procedures including breast augmentation, orchiectomy, and vaginoplasty to improve the self-esteem and self-confidence of those trans women who feel that they didn't gain enough feminization from lifestyle changes and oestrogen alone. Body feminization surgery also involves sculpting, body contouring, and facial contouring to fit better with gender identity.



Moreover, the body contouring procedure, also known as gender-affirming surgery is a challenging task. It carries complications and significant risks. Body contouring near me also requires follow-up care after the surgical procedure. In the initial days after the surgical p[rocedure, it may require assistance from behavioral health providers.


Can any trans woman qualify for Body feminization surgery?


The body contouring treatment indeed increases self-confidence and self-esteem in transgender women however,  Not all trans women are qualified for the surgical procedure. You can opt for body feminization if you have any of the following cases-


  • If you have low self-esteem or poor mental health due to gender discrimination or some other issue affecting the quality of your life.


  • If you have Gender dysphoria: a mental health disorder caused by the misalignment between the gender you identify yourself with and the gender fixed at birth.


  • If you wish to change your appearance to live peacefully with your gender identity.



What is the procedure of body feminization?


Feminization surgery is often done in adulthood, so the procedure can be delayed, if you are still in your teens. Regarding body feminization,  the doctor will guide you through the procedure and details about the surgery.


Before the surgery-


  • The doctor will require your family’s medical health history.


  • The doctor might ask you to take several tests to evaluate your mental and physical eligibility needed for the surgery.


  • The doctor might ask you to take an age or sex screening test.


  • The evaluation may also examine your habits like alcohol consumption, tobacco consumption, smoking, and other substance abuse.


During the surgery- the plastic surgery body contouring generally includes the following options


  • Orchiectomy- a surgical procedure to remove testicles
  • Labiaplasty
  • Vaginoplasty
  • Breast enlargement
  • Facial feminization surgery
  • Clitoroplasty
  • Penectomy
  • Body Contouring procedure
  • Laser hair removal
  • Voice feminization therapy
  • Scalp hair transplant


What are the precautions after the body feminization surgery?


Self-care is really important after the surgery. The doctor may prescribe hospitalization for two to four weeks depending on the condition of your health.


  • Follow the prescribed medication without skipping to quickly improve your health
  • After full recovery consult with a behavioural health specialist to adjust to new physical and mental changes  
  • Keep in touch with your doctor or medical staff to stay updated on your health condition.


From the above information, we can conclude that the given information is beneficial in terms of body feminization, body contouring surgery, and more.

Still, if you have any doubts, you can check out websites like https://cirumed.es/english/. To gather more authentic information.

Article Source : https://www.articleaffiliate.com/what-is-the-use-of-feminization-surgery/ 


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